Severe solar events manifested as highly energetic X-Ray events accompanied by coronal mass ejections ( CMEs) and proton flares caused flash floods in Makkah Al-Mukaramah, Al-Madinah Al-Munawarah and Jeddah. In the case of the 20 January 2005 CME that initiated severe flash on the 22 of January. it is shown that the CME lowered the pressure in the polar region and extended the low pressure regime to Saudi Arabia passing by the Mediterranean. Such passage accelerated evaporation and caused Cumulonimbus clouds to form and discharge flash floods over Makkah Al-Mukaramah. On the other hand, solar forcing due coronal holes have a different technique in initiating flash floods. The November 25 2009 and the 13-15 January 2011 Jeddah flash floods are attributed to prompt events due to fast solar streams emanated from two coronal holes that arrived the Earth on 24 November 2009 and 13 January 2011. We present evidences that those streams penetrated the Earth's magnetosphere and hit the troposphere at the western part of the Red Sea, dissipated their energy at 925mb geopotential height and left two hot spots. It follows that the air in the hot spots expanded and developed spots of low pressure air that spread over the Red Sea to its eastern coast. Accelerated evaporation due to reduced pressure caused quick formation of Cumulonimbus clouds that caused flash floods over Makkah Al-Mukaramah and Jeddah.
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The comment of Gopalswamy et al. (thereafter GMY) relates to a letter discussing coronal mass ejections (CMEs), interplanetary ejecta and geomagnetic storms. GMY contend that Cane et al. incorrectly identified ejecta (interplanetary CMEs) and hypothesize that this is because Cane et al. fail to understand how to separate ejecta from "shock sheaths" when interpreting solar wind and energetic particle data sets. They (GMY) are wrong be cause the relevant section of the paper was concerned with the propagation time to 1 AU of any potentially geoeffective structures caused by CMEs, i.e. upstream compression regions with or without shocks, or ejecta. In other words, the travel times used by Cane et al. were purposefully and deliberately distinct from ejecta travel times (except for those slow ejecta, approx. 30% of their events, which generated no upstream features), and no error in identification was involved. The confusion of GMY stems from the description did not characterize the observations sufficiently clearly.
In this study, p-type Si semiconductor wafer with (100) orientation, 400 μm thickness and 1-10 Ω cm resistivity was used. The Si wafer before making contacts were chemically cleaned with the Si cleaning procedure which for remove organic contaminations were ultrasonically cleaned at acetone and methanol for 10 min respectively and then rinsed in deionized water of 18 MΩ and dried with high purity N2. Then respectively RCA1(i.e., boiling in NH3+H2O2+6H2O for 10 min at 60C ), RCA2 (i.e., boiling in HCl+H2O2+6H2O for 10 min at 60C ) cleaning procedures were applied and rinsed in deionized water followed by drying with a stream of N2. After the cleaning process, the wafer is immediately inserted in to the coating unit. Ohmic contact was made by evaporating of Al on the non-polished side of the p-Si wafer pieces under 4,2 10-6 Torr pressure. After process evaporation, p-Si with omic contac thermally annealed 580C for 3 min in a quartz tube furnace in N2. Then, the rectifier contact is made by evaporation Al metal diameter of about 1.0 mm on the polished surface of p-Si in turbo molecular pump at about 1 10-6 Torr. Consequently, Al/p-Si/Al Schottky diode was obtained. The I-V measurements of this diode performed by the use of a KEITLEY 487 Picoammeter/Voltage Source and the C-V measurements were performed with HP 4192A (50-13 MHz) LF Impedance Analyzer at room temperature and in dark. 2ff7e9595c